Monday 24 February 2014


Last time I wrote about Canadian trackmaker Harrison it was regarding his track 'Lolipop Love', which heavily sampled something else. In fact, a lot of his stuff is heavy-heavy on the sampling side of things – being a component of vaporwave in the form of funk-loving New Generation, I wouldn't expect anything else to be honest with you. But: all artists change, all artists evolve – they wouldn't exactly be artists if they didn't now would they? Gotta have like some certain degree of progression and amelioration surely, or if not that, a creative wandering mind which hates boredom.

Now, however, with 'Why You Make Me Happy', Mr Harrison might be trying something different. He released or perhaps it's more realistic to say uploaded the track a few hours ago, posting it on Facebook with the message that he was "Trying to grow up and use less samples." I don't know if using less samples is a sign of growing up, but changing anything about your musicmaking style is at least a telling sign of maturation. Tagged "Future Love" the track is sure of itself in its upbeat, spacey romance, sprinkled with cut-up vocal samples as it continues into its synth-led heart.

Cause it is pretty synth-led, glowing in the fizzing jaunt of the beat, shining like rays of light streaming through a window and cutting through the summer dust of a room; samples of outdoors background noise separate sections of the song, giving it a fresh, Springtime feel. By the end, all elements have been added: laser pulse high-register synth melody stuttering, clonking woody xylophone, whooshing future air of synth chords. All of it comes together, fluttering vivaciously, a clean, surgically-cut track that still possesses the sensual nostalgia of the type of songs that Harrison would sample – a sense of soul, romance, funk lilt. Shocks of sound cluster zip in the meld of everything, the pop equivalent to orchestra hits, the flummoxing caress of the heart thanks to this wholly new and futuristic yet retrodirected sound, a whistle awakening memory, life returning to the earth.

Uh anyway, this is from Toronto-based producer Harrison and it marks a significant change in his sound. Being only 18-years-old, there's plenty of room for growth despite being so clearly gifted and skilled at musicmaking as he already is, and as such I await with anticipation to see how his music will sound in the future.

This is a FREE DOWNLOAD btw (click yoself here).

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